Common Faults of Plastic Thermoforming Machines

May 19,2022

What are the common faults of plastic thermoforming machines? Let's take a look at it all the way:


Component not installed


The main point of installing components is that the component body should be centered. For operators who are just starting to use plastic thermoforming machines, it is not easy to judge the centering of the body. When installing components, it is best to use the handwheel to turn the machine table and slowly bring the components into the track. stop. After the left and right feeding rails are fixed, turn the machine table with the handwheel to let the components enter the turntable and then press the start button to enter the active processing state.


Component taping is unqualified


Many operators and maintenance personnel often ignore this factor, and waste a lot of time on the machine to find the reason. Normal component taping requires the component body to be centered, and the left and right prices do not exceed ±0.2mm, and the plastic produced by Heda The thermoforming machine allows the body to be offset by ±0.4mm and can still be processed normally. If it exceeds this limit, it is difficult for the components to enter the track normally, resulting in the phenomenon of walking obliquely and eventually the phenomenon of jamming.


Component does not match the machine


There are usually three types of tracks and turntables for plastic thermoforming machines. First is to process 1/8w, 1/16w, and the lead wire diameter is less than 0.6mm, which is rarely used in the standard position;


The second is to process 1/4w—1w resistors, and the lead wire diameter is within 0.8mm;


The third is to process resistors above 2w and search engine optimization, and the pins are between 1.0-1.6mm for resistors and diodes; if the machine ordered is the third track and turntable for processing the first and second components, it must cause the phenomenon that the feeding is not smooth and the machine is stuck.